Penerapan Aplikasi Flipbook Makers Dalam Merekontruksi Struktur Berpikir Koneksi Matematis
Flipbook makers, Mathematical connectionAbstract
Students in learning mathematics today are: (a) difficulties in connecting between mathematical concepts, (b) thinking barriers caused by not thinking structures of mathematical concepts, (c) inability to connect mathematically with the structure of mathematical problems, so that students do not master the concepts in a general way. correct, (d) students have not been able to understand a mathematical problem correctly when solving mathematical problems, and (e) students do not use operations and procedures correctly. The problems of the current industrial revolution 4.0 and the mathematical problems faced by students learning mathematics are very complex with various applications, therefore this is interesting and a concern for research. One of the learning media that teachers can use is the creation of a flip book-based learning media. This flip book-based learning media is carried out using software in the form of a Flipbook which is used to make the display of books or other teaching materials into a digital E-Book in the form of a flip book. This application is used to convert PDF to flash flip book with digital page folding effect. This page has the function of turning the text and images into digital information in either exe, html, etc. formats. Data analysis techniques in this study are data reduction, data exposure, data triangulation, and drawing conclusions. The subjects of this study were students who had passed calculus, with the representatives of the subjects in the study being L1 and P2. The results of the study found that the process of reconstructing the structure of the male mathematical connection which began with disequilibrating and then carried out the process of reconstructing the routine mathematical connection structure and the process of reconstructing the structure of the female mathematical connection starting with the occurrence of disequilibrating and then reconstructing the non-routine connection structure
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